Rincian Produk
Model: K 276
Merek: Flex-C
Kondisi: Baru
Berat bersih: 18,5 Kg.
Jual Cushion Pad Coupling K 276 Flex-C Max Bore 75mm
(Dimensi coupling dapat dilihat di brosur terlampir)
- Cushion Pad Coupling available with cushion pads instead of star / spider rubber, which facilitates easy removal of rubber elements without disturbing the equipment.
- Seamless retainer rings provided on inside and outside diameter of coupling to support the pads.
- Pads can be inspected easily from time to time.
- Torque range up to 214 kg-m (2098.62 n-m)
Spesifikasi Cushion Pad Coupling K 276 :
- Model 276
- Coupling type Cushion Pad
- Colour Black
- Rated Hp (kW) :
@ Speed 1000 Rpm73 (54,75 kW)
@ Speed 1500 Rpm109,5 (82,125 kW)
@ Speed 3000 Rpm219 (164,25 kW)
- Rated Torque 52,26 kg-m (512,5 n-m)
- Pilot bore size 25 mm
- Max bore size 75 mm
- Jaw diameter 157 mm
- Ring diameter 162 mm
- Hub diameter 127 mm
- Total length 200 mm
- Length through bore 80 mm
- Gap between Jaw & Body 3 mm
- Distance between shafts 40 mm
Bahan konstruksi Cushion Pad Coupling K 276 :
- Coupling hub Graded Cast Iron (GG 25)
- Cushion Pads Nitrile Rubber (NBR)
- O.D.Ring M.S.
- I.D.Ring M.S.
- Set Screw M.S.
Misalignment tolerance :
- Parallel misalignment up to 0.4 mm
- Angular misalignment up to 1.5 degree
Anda dapat beli produk tersebut langsung dari importir dan distributor tunggal di Indonesia :
PT. Devsaan Industech, LTC Glodok, Jakarta Barat, DKI Jakarta 11180
- Coupling & Rubber Element ready stock di perusahaan kami.
- Harga sudah termasuk PPN.
- Harga Franko di LTC Glodok, Jakarta & belum termasuk ongkos kirim.
- Harga sudah termasuk packing.
- Hubungi kami di (021) 62308030 / 62308035 WA 085719196960 / 081388920119